Wellbeing of Sydney


Wellbeing of Sydney is a 360º data visualisation experience designed for the UTS Data Arena. Responses to the 2015 City of Sydney Wellbeing Survey have painted a diverse picture of how Sydney's residents are faring as a society over 45 questions. The last of which asked residents to share their thoughts on the kind of local area they would like to live in, in the future. Using a sentiment analysis algorithm from the Natural Language Toolkit, responses to this question were scored and graphed according to their level of positivity and subjectivity, and displayed over one half of the projection display. A series of controls allow participants to refine visible results by filtering on geography, age group, tenure status, gender etc, and a large word bank provides insight into frequently used words across all responses that can be used as search terms.

This visualisation is currently available for viewing at the UTS Data Arena by request.

Kris working with the filters interface.
A person's response amongst many coloured dots.
A single response from Redfern with several other dots visible.
Far shot of a person's response amongst many coloured dots.
View of the respondant details interface showing basic personal details and a wellness score.
Kris in front of the large work bank filtering interface with some words selected.
Thomas and Kris reading a single response together.
Close shot of the word bank interface with some words selected.
Kris in front of the graph interface with all respondant dots projected onto her and her great pants.